Friday, September 18, 2020

What to Do in Your Garden in September

Can you believe it? September is here again. The summer season is such an active time making the arrival of September appear so much quicker, but here we are. September is probably the loveliest month of the year, at least for me. Lots of sunny days and warm temperatures without the heat that keeps us indoors. For many of us that are lucky enough to have apple or pear trees, grapes or corn it is also harvesting time. But did you know, September is also a good month for sowing seeds, planting bulbs, and growing brand-new plants–some to enjoy quickly, and some to blossom the next year.

So, with that, let’s take a look at what you can plant in September.



You can make a start on several of next year’s plants this month. Sturdy annuals such as larkspur,  poppies, and also cornflowers can be started from seed from late summer onwards.


Wildflowers are a great addition for your garden and for the wildlife. Wildflowers offer food for pollinating insects, wild birds, and bats, and providing shelter for other small animals. I love wildflowers because they are fast-growing, low-maintenance, help to regulate weeds, as well as look great. So, I ask you, what’s not to like ?!

How to plant: Sow them in a patch of soil or in a container. Just follow the direction on the packet the seeds come in.


Toward the end of September is the perfect time to plant some of the spring-flowering bulbs such as daffodils, crocus, and hyacinths. But hold on a bit longer to plant tulips for they like cooler temperatures. Planting bulbs now will burst your garden into bloom early spring. You can layer bulbs that will flower at various times for a prolonged display.



Winter-hardy ranges of springtime onion such as entertainer and also white Lisbon can be planted this month for harvesting next springtime. Plant them thinly in rows about 4″ apart and 0.3″ deep. Once the plants appear, thin them out to permit 8 – 10″ in between the plants.


This month focus your salad sowing on “late” varieties such as radicchio, rocket, mizuna, as well as winter months lettuce. You should sow plenty of seeds now, as later sowings won’t germinate if temperatures begin to cool off. Another great crop to do with your children.


Spinach is a wonderful alternative for a veggie plot. Spinach is quite hardy, harvest the young leaves for a salad, or let them grow into larger leaves for other food preparation. If you’re going to sow it outdoors, do it soon as later in the month when the temps are cooler the seeds might need protection in order to sprout. Spinach will do well in a warm area and regular watering. Be sure to harvest avoid going to seed.


What is a green salad without radishes? It can truly add some crunchiness and flavor to a salad at this time of year. Choose a quick-maturing seed like French Breakfast which can be ready to be harvested in under 4 weeks. The speed of growth makes them a fantastic option to grow with children. Conversely, you can sow winter-time variety which will take 2-3 months to develop. 


After consuming root vegetables all winter, being able to harvest fresh leafy vegetables such as cabbage is a real treat. If you intend to plant spring cabbage seeds straight into the ground, pick a sunny spot, and compact the dirt firmly as cabbage likes a firm anchor for their roots. You can also plant seeds into trays for transplanting out later on. This makes it much easier to safeguard them from slugs and snails. Great cabbage varieties are Durham early, Duncan, and Greensleeves.


If you already have strawberries in your yard, you may have noticed that your plants have sent runners out by now. These are long shoots, with a few leaves on them. You can make new strawberry plants by securing these runners down into dirt or a pot of garden compost, where they will settle. As soon as they have rooted, you can cut them away from the parent plant.

We hope this article was useful in your gardening endeavors. Give us a call if we can be of help, or visit our website for more articles on gardening.

from Shamrock Landscape Company

from Shamrock Landscape Company

from Lawn Care Service

from Lawn Care Service

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